With the fundamental shift to electric powered, and driverless vehicles underway, it is now more important than ever to make sure that they function as expected to ensure that they are safe for passengers.
Automotive test systems ensure that your automotive vehicle functions as expected and protect you against failure. The costs associated with a failure to adequately test an automotive vehicle can be catastrophic. They can include mass recalls costing huge amounts of money or something as serious as a fatality and a lawsuit. Our approach ensures that as a manufacturer you can protect yourself against these consequences. We provide Test, Measurement, Control and automation solutions that help mitigate against these possibilities and will help you to ensure that your product functions to the highest possible standards
Automotive Test Examples
We are experienced in-
- Electrical Vehicle testing
- Drivetrain testing
- In Car Entertainment
- Brake Testing
- Motor Testing
- Gearbox Testing
- Engine Testing
- Environmental Quality
- Load testing
- Seatbelt testing

Why Choose TBG
TBG Solutions have 1000s of man hours’ worth of experience in providing Test Measurement, and Control automation solutions to the automotive industry. We have tested and taken measurements of everything from engines to seatbelts making sure that all UUTS conform to industry standards. We can use HIL simulations to test components of a vehicle, accurately simulating parts of the vehicle for test in a real time scenario and monitoring whether they are operating with expected parameters. We also offer interfaces, fixtures and harnesses to support our systems, and Service Level Agreements to support ours and other solutions provider’s equipment long term.
- Quality Improvement
- Reduced Failure
- Reduced Development Time
- Cost Savings